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To view the Logical model for the current application area and insert the name of a logical object (entity, join entity, access or a property's guide word) into the source, select the Logical model option in the 4GL Editor's Repository menu.


The dialog box will automatically be opened at the LDM tab.


Note: You can minimize the dialog box by double-clicking on the title bar, which will leave only the title bar visible.


Data entry


Used to select the type of logical object to be displayed:

- entity,

- access,

- join entity,

- all (of these objects).


All/Entity/Access/Join entity

The title of this field will depend on the type set in the "Type" field.

Character string used to limit the number of objects matching the selected type displayed.



Displays only those objects whose name begins with "ART".


Displays only those objects whose name contains the string "RTI".


Displays only the object with this name.



Entities/Accesses/Join entities

List of the logical objects respecting the selected type and the name criterion.

Single selection list.



List of the guide words for the properties of the logical object selected from the left-hand list.

Single selection list.


Check boxes

All of the repository's files


The file list displays all files of the Adelia repository, irrespective of their attachment to the current application area.


The list displays only the files attached to the current application area.

By default: unchecked.


Context-sensitive menus

"All/Entity/Access/Join entity" field

Contains the list of default filters and the four most recent filters set.

Default filter settings:

[ ]

No objects.


All objects.


Entity/accesses/join entity list

This option is used to insert the guide word for the selected entity, access or join entity into the source in the active document, at the cursor's current position.

This option is only active if one or more objects are selected from the list.

Default option.


Retrieve short name

This option is used to insert the short name for the selected entity, access or join entity into the source in the active document, at the cursor's current position.

This option is only active if one or more objects are selected from the list.


Field list

This option is used to insert the guide word for the selected property into the source in the active document, at the cursor's current position.

This option is only active if one or more objects are selected from the list.

Default option.


Retrieve short name

This option is used to insert the short name for the selected property into the source in the active document, at the cursor's current position.

This option is only active if one or more objects are selected from the list.


Sort by sequence number

This option is used to sort the fields for the logical entity according to their sequence number.


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