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To modify the guide word and Rename name for a file field, you must either:

  • Click on the Rename button in the Data environment dialog box.

  • Select the Rename option from the context-sensitive menu (in the logical property list) in the Input help - LDM dialog box.

Important: This button has no effect on work variables or layout fields.


The modifications will then be propagated to the list in the data environment.


Data entry

Field selected


Guide word

Displays the guide word for the field selected in the list.

The new guide word must not already be in use by another work variable in the data environment, and if it is already used by another file field or layout field, this field's definition must be identical: length, number of decimal places and array dimensions.

It must be no longer than 128 characters.

If this field is left blank, the file field's guide word is restored.

Default setting: current guide word.



Displays the rename for the field selected in the list.

The new Rename name must not already be in use as a Rename name or as a DDS code in the data environment. If it is already used by another file field or layout field, this field's definition must be identical: length, number of decimal places and array dimensions.

It must be no longer than 6 characters.

To cancel the Rename, erase the field and enter the file field's guide word in the "New guide word" field.

Default setting: current Rename name.


Apply to all

This lets you define a new rename and a new guide word for all the fields in the list.

The character string entered is placed at the start or end of the rename, to make up the new rename, and at the end of the guide word to make the new guide word.

The length of this field is limited to 10 characters.


Number of characters

Specifies the number of characters that will be replaced in the guide word and rename. A maximum of 10 characters can be replaced.




List of all the fields selected in the data environment (the LDM tab of the Input help dialog box) to be renamed. For each of them the following are visible: its short name, its guide word and its renamed name.

A tick precedes the short name of each field if it has been renamed.

This is a single-selection list.




Renames all the fields in the list by setting the characters of the Prefix/Suffix field in place of the first n characters (n is the number indicated in the Number of characters field) of the renames and guide words.



Renames all the fields in the list by setting the characters of the Prefix/Suffix field in place of the last n characters (n is the number indicated in the Number of characters field) of the renames and guide words.



Renames the field selected in the list if the modifications made in the fields Guide word and Rename are valid.




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