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To move objects from one correction to other corrections, select the Move option from the context-sensitive menu of the Define a correction dialog box.



Objects to move (left-hand list)

List of objects to be moved to other corrections. The following details are shown for each object: name, type and description.

This list is initialized using the objects selected in the previous dialog box.

If you click one of the column headings, the corresponding values (and the list) will be sorted in ascending order.

Extended-selection list.


Corrections (right-hand list)

List of "Available" corrections that the user can modify (the correction holding the objects to be moved is not shown in the list). The following details are shown for each correction: name and description.

Single-selection list.




The objects selected in the Objects to move list are assigned to the correction selected in the correction list.

This button is only active when one or more objects and a correction are selected.


Modify (validation)

Validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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