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This option lets you import the data from the files produced by the export option into a database.



To import the data for a database, check the Import a database radio button of the Operation selection window in the Database management tool.

To import the data from an Adelia environment or buffer, select either of the options below:

  • Import an environment/buffer from the Work with the bases submenu in the Adelia Studio administration menu (click the right mouse button over the background in the Adelia Studio window).

  • Import from the Work with the base submenu in the context-sensitive menu for environments and buffers (click the right mouse button on the icon representing an environment or buffer in the Adelia Studio window).

The window will vary according to the database type selected. Only details that are common to all databases are described below.


For detailed explanations of the other details, click the link for the relevant database type:



Database manager

Browse through the list and select the database manager used to work with the environment.


Data entry

File directory

Directory containing a set of valid export files.

Enter the full path or click the Browse button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

Default: current directory.

Mandatory entry.




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.



Returns you to the operation selection window.

This button is not active when the utility is running in semi-automatic mode.



Displays the log management window.



This button cancels the operation and ends the program.


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