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This function is used to load an IMAGE type variable with the contents of a bitmap file.

The following extensions are supported: bmp, cut, emf, eps, ico, gif, iff, jpg, jp2, mng, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, psp, tif, tga, wmf. With the Adelia Mobile runtime, the only formats allowed are: bmp, gif, jpg, png and ico.


The image format in the IMAGE variable will be the DIB format, whatever the format of the image in the file.

The DIB format must be used to display an image in the Visual Adelia IMAGE object.

However, this format is not compatible with Adelia web images (for which you must use the VaToolBxFileToImage function).



  • Windows client,

  • Windows server,

  • Java client,

  • Java server,

  • Adelia Web client,

  • Adelia Cloud client.





IMAGE type variable.



Name of the bitmap file to be loaded.



Return code for the operation:

-1  Error while reading the file.

0   Internal error.

1   Operation completed successfully.



FileName = 'C:\Hardis.bmp'

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxLoadBitmap' ImageVar FileName ReturnCode


List of the VaToolBx functions by topic


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