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To define a menu bar for a layout, select the Work with menus option from the layout's context-sensitive menu.


To define the context-sensitive menu for a graphical object, select the Work with menus option from the context-sensitive menu of a graphical object.

Note: When you switch to test mode (using the Test option in the Tools menu), you will be able to open and drop-down the menu defined in the window and the graphical objects' context-sensitive menus.


Tree diagram list

When it is first opened, the tree diagram list will display a MENU block. A context-sensitive menu associated with this block lets you create additional blocks.

The blocks created in this way are presented as a tree diagram.

Each node in the tree represents a submenu, and each sheet represents a menu option.


An image is associated with each menu item, giving a pictorial representation of its characteristics:





Text shown in tree diagram


The item contains a character string.

Text entered in the item properties dialog box.


The item contains an image.

Text entered in the item properties dialog box.


The item acts as a separator (horizontal line).



The item is the default menu item. It contains a character string.

Text entered in the item properties dialog box.


The item is the default menu item. It contains an image.

Text entered in the item properties dialog box.


You can move menu items using the Drag and Drop technique.


Context-sensitive menu associated with an element in the tree diagram

Create a menu

This option creates a new menu item.

A submenu lets you select the type of item to be created:

    • Text,

    • Image,

    • Separator.

The item thus created will become the last sub-item in the current item.


Delete a menu

This option deletes the selected item and any dependents.



This option opens a dialog box which is used to modify the properties of a menu item.



This option deletes the selected item and any dependents, and places them in the clipboard.



This option copies the selected item and any dependents, and places them in the clipboard.


Paste before

This option uses the clipboard contents to create a menu item and place it immediately before the selected item.


Paste after

This option uses the clipboard contents to create a menu item and place it immediately before the selected item.


Paste below

This option uses the clipboard contents to create a menu item and place it as the selected item's last dependent.




This button validates any modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating any modifications.


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