Utility commands exportparam and importparam are used to export or re-import the repository configuration or the configuration of the logical level of an Adelia environment application area. Data is exported in XML format and grouped to match the environment attributes configuration tool pages.
These tools are reserved for environment administrators.
Export is limited to parameters that are configurable from the environment attributes and excludes parameter pages related to plugins (Jira), version manager parameters and "print/fonts" pages.
The commands return a 0 code if successful or -1 if there is an error (errorlevel).
The exportparam command is used to export repository or application area logical level configuration data.
exportparam <
environment> [<
application area>|*ALL] [-prefixes <
,prefix>...]] [-out <
environment | Source environment name. |
application area | Application area name (optional) or *ALL to export all the environment parameters. |
prefixes | Limit the exported data (optional). For example: "-prefixes as400,windows" will only export AS400 and Windows page data. |
out | Output file name. |
The importparam command is used to import repository or application area logical level configuration data from a file.
As logical level parameters represent a subset of repository parameters, the tool will import data from an application area in the repository and vice versa.
Passwords are encrypted in the file produced by the export tool. If, however, you want to modify authentication data, you can modify the file manually and enter the unencrypted password.
If the source file is produced by an *ALL export, the application areas are searched for by name in the file and the import of a specific application area fails if the application area is not present in the original environment.
If the *ALL option is specified when importing, the source file must be from an *ALL export.
importparam <
environment> [<
application area>|*ALL] [-prefixes <
prefix>...]] [-in <
fileName>] [-all] [-silent]
environment | Destination environment name. |
application area | Application area name (optional) or *ALL to import all the environment parameters. |
prefixes | Limit the imported data (optional). For example: "-prefixes as400,windows" will only import AS400 and Windows page data. |
in | Source file name. |
all | By default, the tool only imports the parameters in the export file (which correspond to the different filters). This parameter should be handled carefully, particularly if the source file is modified or created manually, as it can result in loss of data. |
silent | Deletes confirmation requests. |
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