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With WebSphere or Tomcat Web servers, it is possible to specify resources external to a Web application that are accessed via a URL. Adelia first attempts to use the URL; if no URL has been specified, Adelia searches for the file in the execution context.

The following Adelia runtime configuration files are managed as external resources:

  • The file
    URL: url/adelia/CfgConfiguration.

  • Middleware session pool configuration files
    URL: url/adelia/poolSession_<PoolName>
    (where PoolName = Pool in the case of the file (pool by default))

  • Middleware session preparer configuration files
    URL: url/adelia/SessionPrep_<SessionPreparerName>

  • The MWCLIENT.INI file
    The reference to the file or URL is made via the ID_FILE_CONFIG key:
    ID_FILE_CONFIG = [URL]<reference resource name>;<(complete) name of real file>
    Example: ID_FILE_CONFIG =[URL]url/myMwClient;MWCLIENT.INI

  • The MWSERVER.INI file
    The reference to the file or URL is made via the ID_FILE_CONFIG_SRV key:
    ID_FILE_CONFIG_SRV = [URL]<reference resource name>;<(complete) name of real file>

  • The file
    The reference to the file or URL is made via the ID_FILE_CONFIG_APIVA key:
    ID_FILE_CONFIG_APIVA  =[URL]url/apiva;

  • The CfgWebServices.xml file
    The reference to the file or URL is made via the ID_FILE_CONFIG_WEBSERVICES key:

  • The log4j2.xml file
    The reference to the file or URL is made via the ID_FILE_CONFIG_LOG4J key:


  • Any external resources must be declared in the Web application's web.xml file, as follows:

<resource-ref id="ResourceUrl_on_myfile">

<description>url on myfile</description>






  • For Tomcat, a resource is defined by specifying the following <Resource> tag in the server.xml file or associated context XML file (conf/localhost/MyApp.xml):

<Context crossContext="true" debug="5" docBase="MonAppli" path="/MonAppli" reloadable="true">


<Resource auth="Container"  name="url/monfichier" factory="com.hardis.adelia.common.URLFactory" type="" url="file:///c:/MonRepertoire/" />




In order to allow ".properties" files that contain application settings to be accessed as external resources, the VaToolBxJavaQueryValue function in the VaToolBx DLL takes into account any resources defined as URLs.

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