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A command line can be used to execute a reception from a buffer into an environment in batch mode.


Command line syntax:


Exchange EnvironmentName R ReceptionName LogFile




Name of the environment where the reception is described.


Reception name. This reception must exist and be completely defined via the exchange manager interface.


Path and name of the file containing the execution report for the reception; this parameter must be written between quotes if it contains spaces.



    • The reception must exist in the environment and the buffer and the new owner of the objects must be specified.
    • The command line parameters can be entered in upper or lower case characters.
    • With receptions, the objects in the buffer are received in the following order:

- Management rules,

- Data types,

- Graphical objects,

- Logical servers,

- Conceptual entities,

- Relationships,

- Conceptual properties,

- CDM graphs,

- Logical entities,

- Join entities,

- Report templates,

- Transaction templates,

- Program templates,

- Reports,

- Programs,

- Functions,

- Macro-instructions,

- Error messages,

- Tasks,

- Constant dictionary,

- Installations,

- Languages,

- Translations.


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