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To copy one or more error messages, select the Copy option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Error messages tab of the Object manager.




List of error messages selected in the error message management box. (Several messages can be selected at once).

This list lets you preview the prefix, number and description of the original messages and what will become the new error messages.

A check mark in the first column is immediately shown to the left of a message if the user changes its prefix or number.

Single-selection list.


Selected message

Data entry


Prefix of the error message selected in the list.

This must be a valid prefix (as defined by IBM).

The field can be left blank, failing which, it MUST be three characters in length.

Optional entry.


Note: With Visual Adelia programs, the message number and the last two characters in the prefix ensure that the full number of each error message is unique.


No. (Number)

Number of the error message selected in the list.

Length: 4 digits maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Description of the error message selected in the list. This field is only available if the prefix or error message number has been changed with respect to the original message.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.



Data entry


List of visible prefixes in the error message list (described in the Lists section).



The prefix entered by the user – provided it is validated with the Replace button – becomes the new prefix for any error messages that currently have the prefix selected in the Former list. The affected messages do not need to be selected in advance.

Once this replacement has been performed, the new prefix is added to the Former list.

The field can be left blank, failing which, it MUST be three characters in length.

Optional entry.



Radio buttons


The radio buttons specify where the error messages will be created: either at environment level or application area level.

When the box is opened, it shows the same destination as the original error messages.




This button modifies the selected message's prefix, number and description with respect to the details in the fields described above.

It is only active if the prefix or error message number has been changed with respect to the original message.



When you click this button, the prefixes of any error messages whose prefix is selected in the Former list are replaced with the prefix entered in the New field.

This button is only active if the prefix entered in the New field is different than the one selected in the Former list.


Copy (validation)

This button copies the error messages.

The dialog box is closed if the system is able to create all the error messages.

If certain error messages could not be created (because of a database error or because the prefix and number were already in use) a message is displayed and the dialog box is not closed. Whenever an error message could not be created, the cause is shown in a new column.



Closes the dialog box without creating any error messages.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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