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In order to feed the Adelia Studio file of files from the AS/400 file of files, you first have to create the AS/400 file of files.


The procedure is described below:

  1. Create the file records observing the Adelia file syntax in an IBM source file (created via the CRTSRCPF command).
    This can be done either by writing a program or by using the CPYF command and adding the delimiters (',' and ';') manually in the SEU Source editor.
  2. Then create a macro-instruction on the AS/400.
  3. In the SEU Source editor, copy the member from the file created above as macro-instruction text.


    • Create the source file: CRTSRCPF QGPL/QSOURCE

    • Add a source member: ADDPFM FILE(QGPL/QSOURCE) MBR(MBRSRC)

    • When the knowledge base's file of files is used, you must create an Adelia program which will create, for each FICHIEP record, a source line containing the FI_FILE_NAM, FI_PREFIX_COD, FI_FILE_DES fields observing the following syntax:

    • Before running the program, do not forget to run:

    • Create a macro-instruction in an Adelia environment (for example MAC_001).

    • Then, in the SEU Source editor, copy the source member indicating:

The source:


The type of source:


The library:



It is then necessary to retrieve the file in Adelia Studio.



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