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The details below are displayed when the "Windows Middleware" option has been selected in the Data destination list in the data destination selection window of the Data copy tool.


This option is used to copy data into a PC-based database (SQL or Btrieve).



Data entry


Host name or IP address of the database server.

Mandatory entry.



Adelia Middleware connection port on the server.

Mandatory entry.



Middleware user's name.

Mandatory entry.



Password associated with the connecting user.

Mandatory entry.



Data entry


This field lets you either enter the name of the database manager to be used directly, or else select a name from the list.

To load the list, click the button to the right of the field. The list will then show the names of the drivers installed on the server, if any.

Mandatory entry.


Note: When the Manager field is set to "Btrieve", the dialog box will be redisplayed with other fields.



This field lets you either enter the name or the URL access of a database directly, or else select a name from the list.

To load the list, click the button to the right of the field. The list will then show the names of the databases catalogued on the server, if any.

Mandatory entry.

This field does not appear when the Manager field is set to "Btrieve".



Name of the user connecting to the database.

Mandatory entry.

This field does not appear when the Manager field is set to "Btrieve".



Password associated with the user connecting to the database.

Mandatory entry.

This field does not appear when the Manager field is set to "Btrieve".



Owner schema for the data's destination tables.

Optional entry.

This field does not appear when the Manager field is set to "Btrieve".



Directory containing the Btrieve files on the server.

Mandatory entry.

This field is only visible if the Manager field is set to "Btrieve".


Limit buffer

Estimated optimum size of network buffer to be used.


Note: You do not need to change this parameter.


Check boxes

Allow lowercase/uppercase in SQL names

Allows to deactivate the uppercase input control on the schema's name and destination objects' names.


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