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To display the validation log for a correction, click the Validation log button in the Define a correction dialog box.


Displayed data


Name of the selected correction and its status.




List of all the correction validation processes in which the selected correction has been involved. The following details are shown for each validation:


    • Validation status:

- If the selected correction is part of a correction environment:

    1. Validated in

      All the objects have been validated in the environment listed in the next column.

      Partially validated in

      At least one object has not been validated in the environment listed in the next column. In this case, it is useful to consult the validation report (double-click on the validation).

      Received from

      A validation from the environment listed in the next column was received in the correction.

- If the selected correction is part of a development or production environment:

Received in

All the objects involved in the validation have been received in the environment listed in the next column.

Partially received in

At least one object involved in the validation has not been received in the environment listed in the next column. It is useful to consult the validation report (double-click on the validation).


    • Name of the environment associated with the validation status.
    • Date and time of validation. This list is initially sorted by validation date (from the most recent to the oldest). You can sort the list according to a column, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the corresponding column heading.

Note: Double-clicking on a validation displays its report.




Closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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