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Module configuration

Warning: from Adelia Studio 14 PTF01, this module has been deprecated in favor of native JavaEE authentication by combining JavaEErealm and JavaEELoginModule.

The JEELoginModule is used to delegate the validation of credentials to the JEE container.

Extract from wagon.xml file:

<realm name="adelia" loginModuleName="JEELoginModule" className="" />


          <loginModule name="JEELoginModule" className="">


                <item key="maxLoginAttempts" value="5" />




User and role configuration is defined in the JEE container setup.

protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + context + "/security/JEELoginServlet







-1 by default


Maximum number of credential entry information characters displayed.




This optional parameter is automatically determined in most configurations. In the case of a cluster configuration with front-end server which is not re-entrant and therefore accessible from the application server, it is advisable to specify the web container IP ( and the web container port.


A front-end server listens on port 80 in front of a firewall

The web container listens on port 8080

The firewall does not authorise requests to the front-end IP from the web container

The url is therefore:

If the /security/JEELoginServlet resource is protected in the JEE sense, it is possible to pass connection info. to this URL and protect it with RSA encryption.

N.B. : it is possible to indicate an optional "substituteValues" attribute (boolean type, default value: false) in the "parameters" element.

If this attribute is present and equal to "true", the ${VARIABLE} syntax will be replaced in the parameters value ("value" attribute of "item" elements) by the value of the "VARIABLE" Java system property if it is defined (e.g. via -DVARIABLE=value on the Java command line).

The value remains the same if the system property does not exist.

In the following example:

<parameters substituteValues="true">

<item key="tempDir" value="${}" />


The "tempDir" parameter will be replaced at execution by the path of the machine's temporary directory.

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