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To display or modify the general characteristics (colors and attributes) of a window border, or to write comments on the upper or lower edge of a border, double-click the border in the work space of the Screen layout manager.


Warning: This dialog box can only be accessed for window-type transactions.


Displayed data

Top-left corner
Bottom-right corner

Position (by lines/columns) of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the border.


Data entry

Top of border

Text which will appear on the upper edge of the border.

Length: 79 characters maximum.

The Left, Center and Right radio buttons fix the adjustment of this description on the border edge.

Optional entry.


Bottom of border

Text which will appear on the lower edge of the border.

Length: 79 characters maximum.

The Left, Center and Right check boxes fix the adjustment of this description on the border edge.

Optional entry.


Horizontal character
Vertical character

The user can specify the character which will be used when drawing the horizontal and vertical bars of the border.

By default, these characters are the characters set in the screen standards attached to the application area.


Radio buttons


Specifies the location of the title on the corresponding border edge.




The color of the border can be selected in the list box.

By default, this color is the color set in the screen standards attached to the application area.


Check boxes

Default border

Only available for IBM-type windows.

Specifies whether the window uses the system default border or not.

When checked, disables the border's definition fields.


High intensity
Reverse image

Attributes that can be used to draw the border.



Graphical attributes

This button opens a dialog box which is used to modify the graphical attributes of a window border, in the case of a PC generation.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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