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To display or modify the accesses of an access, either:

  • Select the Access option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Accesses tab of the LDM/PDM screen.

  • Click the Access button of the Create/Modify an access dialog box.


Displayed data

Name and description of the access and of the logical entity.


Check boxes

Unique key

This box indicates how the system must work with the file access.

Corresponds to the DDS keyword UNIQUE.


Unique key.

Not checked

Multiple key.
Several records may correspond to a given key value.

Default: box not checked.



Seq. for duplicated key

Criterion used to read the records which have identical key values.

Values available:


No read criterion selected.


First In, First Out.


First Changed, First Out.


Last In, First Out.

Default: None.


Note: The LIFO and FCFO read criteria are ignored in Btrieve generation.

The read criteria are not taken into account in SQL generations.


Selected (properties)

List of the properties chosen for the access key.

Use the Delete button to remove properties from the list of selected properties, towards the list of available properties.

The sequence of the properties in the list can be modified.

Single-selection list.


Available (properties)

List of properties available to define the access key.

This list includes:

    • All the logical properties associated with the specific format (including IBM logical properties) when a specific format has been defined.

    • All the logical properties assigned to the logical entity, whatever their attachment application areas, when no specific format has been defined.

Use the Add button to add a property to the list of selected properties.

Single-selection list.


Note: The dummy logical properties cannot be part of the access key of an access. Therefore, they are not displayed.



Asc. (ascending)

Read argument of the property in the key.

The read argument is specified in the list below for each selected property:


Read in ascending order.

Not checked

Read in descending order.

Default: column not checked.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of selected properties.



This button adds to the list of selected properties the properties selected in the list of available properties.



This button removes properties from the list of selected properties, and returns them to the list of available properties.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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