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To display the list of properties assigned to an object, you must either:


This dialog box displays the list of properties assigned to an object, as well as the list of all available properties, i.e. all the properties which can be assigned to the same referenced object.

If you do not have modification authorities over the referenced object, you can only display the list of assigned properties, without any access to the action buttons; the list of available properties will then be empty.


All the following only applies to the case where the user benefits from modification authorities (*REP) on the current object.



Assigned (properties)

List of the properties assigned to the processed object and attached to the current application area.

One or several properties can be selected in this list, and can undergo De-Assign, Modify and Delete actions.

Extended-selection list


Available (properties)

List of the available properties in the current application area, i.e. the properties which can be assigned to the current object.

One or several properties can be selected in this list. They will be assigned to the current object when the Assign button is activated, and will thus be moved to the list of assigned properties.

A filter located above the list can be used to limit the properties displayed.

Extended-selection list.




This button moves the properties selected in the list of available properties to the list of assigned properties.

It is not active when no property is selected in the list of available properties.



This button moves the properties selected in the list of assigned properties to the list of available properties.

It is not active when no property is selected in the list of assigned properties.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to create a property.

The properties thus created are assigned by default to the current object, and are added to the list of assigned properties.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected property.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of assigned properties.



This button opens a message box used to confirm the final deletion of the selected properties.

When the deletion is validated, the list of properties is updated accordingly.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of assigned properties.



This button attaches the selected property to all the application areas to which the current object is attached.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of assigned properties.



This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of logical properties which have the selected conceptual property as an origin.

This button is not active when no property is selected in either list.



This button opens a dialog box enabling the selected properties to be held by the default correction.

This button is only visible in correction environments.

It is only active when one or more properties are selected in the list of assigned properties and the user has a default correction.


Enter/Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.

The validation applies to all the movements performed between both lists. It results into the effective assignment and de-assignment in the database of the properties which were moved from one list to another.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the assignment actions.

However, the creation, modification, deletion and de-assignment operations on properties are not canceled.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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