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By default, when executed, an implicit or explicit CLOSE instruction on a Crystal Reports report allows the report to be printed according to the specifications stored in the configuration file [\adeliws\wIcfgvcr.ini] or according to the specifications defined dynamically using the VaToolBox functions.


When the VaSetCRManagement function is called with the DefaultManagement parameter set to *FALSE prior to the CLOSE instruction, the user can then decide not to print the report, but to export it and/or send an e-mail. It is possible (by default) to attach the newly-exported file to the e-mail message.


When executed, the CLOSE instruction enriched with the *PRV clause displays the report in a preview window. You can use this window to export or print the report. If a printout is requested, the preview window is closed and the report printed using the same specifications as for a standard CLOSE instruction.


When the VaSetCRManagement function is called with the DefaultManagement parameter set to *FALSE, prior to the CLOSE *PRV instruction, the user alters the standard behavior of the Crystal Reports report preview window's export button, (envelope icon).


If no particular export type has been specified (ExportType = 0), a window is displayed, letting you select an export type.

The report is then exported according to the specifications supplied by ExportType and the settings specified using the VaSetExportInfos function.


If no e-mail transmission protocol has been specified (ProtocolType = 0), a window is displayed, letting you select a transmission protocol type (Vim Lotus Notes only).

The "Send message" window immediately appears with the relevant settings for sending an e-mail message. These settings are initialized using the VaSetMailInfos function.

You can use this window to change the addressees and copy (CC) or blind copy (BCC) recipients, as well as the message subject line and body text.


A Vim Lotus Notes session must be created before this window is opened. To this end, a password must be entered to authorize connection to the Notes mail server.

This password must be the one for the machine's Notes account (cf. Notes.ini).

By default, this password is requested the first time you ask to create a Vim Notes session, and is then stored throughout the application's life.


Note: Adelia developers wanting to control password administration personally can set a password using the VaSetVimMailPW function.


Addressees and copy (CC) or blind copy (BCC) recipients can be selected using the Lotus Notes address books, which can be accessed by clicking the To: button in the "Send message" window.


It is also possible to use the Attach button in the same window to define new file attachments for the message. By default, the newly-exported files are automatically attached to the message.

If required, they can be removed using the "Select attached files" dialog box's Delete button or the VaSetMailWithExportFilesAttachment function.


Lastly, you can use the "Send message" window to send the message by clicking the Send button; alternatively you can simply click the Save button to save it in the draft folder with a view to sending it later.


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