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To handle a SAML authentication in Adelia Studio's REST APIs, you must declare the following elements in the Beans.xml file of the web application:

  1. A SAML handler corresponding to the location/format of the SAML assertion in the HTTP request:
    • RsSamlHeaderInHandler for an assertion passed in the HTTP header (Authorization)
      Http-Method: GET
      Headers: {Accept=[application/xml], Authorization=[SAML eJydV1mTokgQfu9fYTCPrs2htGKMHVEcKq2gKOLxsoFQAsqhFAjNr99CW1ud7t2ZjdA...], ...}

    • RsSamlEnvelopedInHandler for an assertion passed in the body of the HTTP request with an application/xml media type, assertion included in an <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://org.apache.cxf/rs/env"> element.
      Http-Method: POST
      Content-Type: application/xml
      <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://org.apache.cxf/rs/env"ID="e795cdd1-c19d-4a5c-8d86-e8a781af4787">
      <saml2:Assertion xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">

      <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">

    • RsSamlFormInHandler for an assertion passed in the HTTP request code in the form of an HTTP form, application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type.

      Http-Method: POST

      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

      Headers: {Accept=[application/xml], Cache-Control=[no-cache], connection=[keep-alive], Content-Length=[2206], content-type=[application/x-www-form-urlencoded],

      Host=[localhost:9000], Pragma=[no-cache], User-Agent=[Apache CXF ${project.version}]}

      Payload: nom=DUPONT&age=48&SAMLToken=eJydV1tzqkgQfs+vsDiPWcNFjWIdUzUIGqJgQMTLyxYOI6BclAFBfv0OGo16kt1ztk...

  2. A SamlAuthentConfiguration element to declare the URLs requiring authentication.

  3. The property for the service access point (jaxrs:server) enabling the keystore containing the public key able to validate the assertion's signature to be addressed.


  • RsSamlHeaderInHandler | RsSamlEnvelopedInHandler | RsSamlFormInHandler

    • RsSamlHeaderInHandler : This element is used to declare SAML authentication via the Authorization HTTP header.

      <bean id="samlEnvHandler" class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RSSamlHeaderInHandler"/>
    • RsSamlEnvelopedInHandler : This element is used to declare SAML authentication via an envelope in the payload of an HTTP request (POST | PUT).
      Request media type: application/xml

      <bean id="samlEnvHandler" class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RSSamlEnvelopedInHandler"/>
    • RsSamlFormInHandler : This element is used to declare SAML authentication via a form in the payload of an HTTP request (POST | PUT).
      Request media type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      Form type Adelia input parameters: PARAM p1,I,[form('attrname1)] p2,I[form('attrname2)]...

      <bean id="samlEnvHandler" class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RSSamlFormInHandler"/>

Note: if it becomes necessary to modify the creation rules for the SecurityContext object from the SAML assertion (authenticated user's name, user's roles), a class deriving from the class can be referenced using the property called SecurityContextProvider.

<bean id="samlHeaderInHandler" class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RSSamlHeaderInHandler">
	<property name="securityContextProvider">
    	<bean class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.RsSamlSecurityContextProvider"/>

  • SamlAuthentConfiguration

    This element is used to define:
    • the scheme used (SAML by default),
    • the URIs for which authentication is required,
    • the need for a secure transport layer,
    • a passthrough for swagger (i.e. swagger access URI, for which authentication is not required).

      <bean id="samlHeaderConfiguration" class="com.hardis.adelia.webservice.SamlAuthentConfiguration">        
      	<property name="samlAuthScheme"     value="SAML"/>
          <property name="samlBasePath"       value="/ws/*"/>                 
          <property name="samlConfidential"   value="false"/>
          <property name="samlSwaggerURI"     value="/ws/api-docs;/ws/swagger*;/ws/openapi*"/>
  • Validating the SAML assertion signature

    The properties required to validate the assertion signature need to be entered at jaxrs:server element level
<jaxrs:server id="rest" address="/" transportId="">
    	<entry key="" value="saml/jaxrsclient/"/>                                      

Notes: other properties of the CXF framework may be added to, for example, request audience validation, choose a specific SAML assertion element to retrieve the roles of the authenticated user, etc.
These properties are described here:

The referenced file (used to declare the WSS4J properties) must be placed in the application's /WEB-INF/Classes directory, observing any package organization, and must contain the following entries:


    • The keystore.jks keystore must be placed in the application's /WEB-INF/Classes directory, observing and package organization.
    • The alias and password providing access to the keystore need to be specified (alias and password in the example).
    • The keystore contains the public key used to validate the SAML assertion signature.

All the WSS4J properties are described here:

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