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The details below are displayed when the "Java Middleware" option has been selected in the first list in the data source selection window of the Data copy tool.


This option is used to read data from databases presenting a JDBC driver.


The differences with the "SQL databases" source are:

  • optimized network transfers,

  • Adelia Middleware used (requires a Java daemon on the server),

  • IMAGE data type not supported.


Data entry


Host name or IP address of the database server.

Mandatory entry.



Adelia Middleware connection port on the server.

Mandatory entry.



Name of the user connecting to the database.

Mandatory entry.



Password associated with the user connecting to the database.

Mandatory entry.



Data entry

JDBC driver

Lets you either enter the name of the JDBC driver connecting to the database.

Mandatory entry.



Lets you enter the connection string to the database as follows: jdbc:>protocol>:<connection parameters>.

Mandatory entry.



Name of the user connecting to the database.



Password associated with the user connecting to the database.


Note: Where the previous fields are not specified, the system user profile which started the daemon is used for the connection.



Owner schema for the tables to be exported.

Optional entry.



Table or file name display filter.

Default: " * ".


Limit buffer

Estimated optimum size of network buffer to be used.


Note: You do not need to change this parameter.


Check boxes

Allow lowercase/uppercase in SQL names

Allows to deactivate the uppercase input control on the schema's name.


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