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Once a class instance is declared in a program through the REF_CLASS instruction, a special syntax needs to be used to gain access to its attributes, for both reading and writing.

This syntax is based on the principle of Getters and Setters of object languages.

Getting the value of a class attribute

To retrieve the value of an attribute of a REF_CLASS type variable, the following syntax must be used:

MyVariableResult = MyInstance.getNameAttribute()


MyVariableResult = MyInstance.getNameAttributeArray()(index[,index2])


Adelia class CAR whose 4GL source is:



ALPHA(15)    Make;

ALPHA(250)   Model;

NUM_BIN_2    NumHp;

DATE         DatePurch;

ALPHA(50)    Options(30)


Then in the Visual Adelia Batch program:

* Declaring a REF_CLASS variable:


NUM_BIN_2 MyBin2


ALPHA(50)   TabOptions(30)

ALPHA(50)  option;

* Getting the value of the attribute 'NumHp' of the iCar class:

MyBin2 = iCar.getNumHp()

* Getting the value of the attribute 'NumHp' of the iCar class:

MyDate = iCar.getDatePurch()

* Get the value of the first element of the attribute 'Options' from the iCar class:

Option = iCar.getOptions()(1)


It is assumed here that the iCar variable is already instantiated (e.g. it is one of the parameters of the input to the program or procedure), or that it has been instantiated in the program via the 4GL instruction NEW:

iCar = new CAR()

It is possible to test whether the iCar variable is instantiated with the reserved word *NULL:

If iCar = *NULL

Retrieving all the array attribute elements

The following syntax must be used to get all the values from a one-dimensional, two-dimensional or dynamic array attribute:
              MyArrayVariable = MyInstance.getArrayAttributeName()
NewArray must be an array variable with an Adelia type and dimensions which are compatible with those of the relevant array attribute.
If the number of NewArray entries is different from the number of entries of the array attribute, only the common entries are retrieved.


ALPHA(50) TabOptions(30)

iCar = new CAR()

* .... instance attribute value allocation...

* Retrieval of the 'Options' 1D array attribute value from the CAR class instance in the "tabOptions" array variable
tabOptions = iCar.getOptions()

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Changing the value of a class attribute

To fix the value of an attribute of a REF_CLASS type variable, the following syntax must be used:


XXX being a variable of the REF_CLASS type

YYY being an attribute of this class

ZZZ being the value to be fixed to this attribute

When the attribute is a class

REF_CLASS(PERSON)        iFather

REF_CLASS(FAMILY)        iFamily

Father = new PERSON()


When the attribute is a simple standard Adelia type (ALPHA, NUM_BIN_2, ..) or an overall array:


NewValue may be an alphanumeric or numeric constant, or a variable, with an Adelia type compatible with that of the attribute concerned.

Warning: In the case of a numerical constant with decimals, the dot is the only decimal separator allowed.


REF_CLASS(PERSON)      iFather

ALPHA(33)              MyAlpha33




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To update an element of an array attribute

MyInstance.setNameAttribute(NewValue, Index1[, Index2])

NewValue may be an alphanumeric or numeric constant, or a variable, with an Adelia type compatible with that of the attribute concerned.

Index1 and Index2 may be a numeric constant or numeric variable.


REF_CLASS(PERSON)      iFather

REF_CLASS(CAR)         iCar

NUM_BIN_4              MyBin4

NUM_BIN_2              Index1

NUM_BIN_2              Index2

Index = 5

iFather.setArray1DFirstnamesChildren('nicholas', Index1)

iFather.setArray1DFirstnamesChildren('virginia', 4)

iCar.setOptions('peugeot', 4)

iFather.setArrayBin4_2D (MyBin4, 6, 11)

iFather.setTArrayBin4_2D (444, Index1, Index2)

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To update all elements of an array attribute

MyInstance.setNameAttributeArray(NewArray | NewValue)

NewArray must be an array variable with an Adelia type and dimensions compatible with those of the array attribute concerned. If the number of NewArray entries is different from the number of entries of the array attribute, the update only involves the number of common entries. 

NewValue may b an alphanumeric or numeric constant, or a simple variable, with an Adelia type compatible with that of the array attribute concerned. The reserved words *TRUE and *FALSE for the BOOL type and *NULL for the IMAGE type are also permitted. More generally, the reserved words with an Adelia type which is compatible with that of the relevant array attribute are allowed.


REF_CLASS(PERSON)      iFather

REF_CLASS(CAR)         iCar

NUM_BIN_4              MyBin4

NUM_BIN_2              MyArrayBin4(2,2)

ALPHA(20)              MyAlpha

MyBin4 = 5865

MyAlpha = 'ABS'

MyArrayBin4(1,1) = 20

MyArrayBin4(1,2) = 40

MyArrayBin4(2,1) = 60

MyArrayBin4(2,2) = 80



iFather.setArrayBin4_2D (444)

iFather.setArrayBin4_2D (MyBin4)

iFather.setArrayBin4_2D (MyArrayBin4)

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To update an element of a dynamic array type attribute


Adelia class TICKET whose 4GL source is:



ALPHA(15)    Id;

ALPHA(250)   Comments();

DATE         Updates();

REF_CLASS(SOURCE)       Sources()



DATE currDate

        iTick = new TICKET()
        iTick.Comments = new ALPHA(250)()(10)

        iTick.Updates = new DATE()(10)
        iTick.Sources = new SOURCE()(10)

        TIME currDate

iTick.setComments('Creation of the ticket', 1)

iTick.setUpdates(currDate, 1)

iSrc = new SOURCE()

iTick.setSources(iSrc, 1)


During serialization, only the elements actually added to the dynamic array are taken into account.
This assertion is always true for the order CONV_DATA.
In the case of the serialization of a class of a REST web service, it is necessary to declare the correct JacksonJaxbJsonProvider (the one from the package com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json) in the configuration file beans.xml.

Extract from the file beans.xml [JacksonJaxbJsonProvider]:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entry key="skip.default.json.provider.registration" value="true"/>

<!-- remplace le org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.JSONProvider ou org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider -->
<bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider"/>

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To update all the elements of a dynamic array attribute

MyInstance.setArrayAttributeName(NewArray | NewValue)

NewArray must be a one-dimensional array variable with an Adelia type which is compatible with that of the relevant dynamic array attribute.
When the number of entries of the NewArray is different from the number of current elements of the dynamic array attribute, the update involves the number of NewArray entries, and the number of entries and elements of the dynamic array attribute after assignment is the same as the number of "NewArray" entries/elements.

NewValue can be an alphanumeric or numeric constant, or a simple variable, with an Adelia type which is compatible with that of the relevant array attribute. The reserved words *TRUE and *FALSE for the BOOL type, as well as *NULL for the IMAGE type, are also allowed. More generally, the reserved words with an Adelia type which is compatible with that of the relevant array attribute are allowed. 
NewValue is assigned to all the relevant allocated entries of the attribute. 


DATE tabDates(10)

ALPHA(250) myComment

myComment = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'

* ... "tabDates" 1D array occurrences value allocation...

* Dynamic array and class instantiation
iTick = new TICKET()
iTick.Comments = new ALPHA(250)()(10)
iTick.Updates = new DATE()(10)
iTick.Sources = new SOURCE()(10)

* Updating of the "Updates" dynamic array attribute from the whole "tabDates" array variable

* Updating of the "Comments" dynamic array attribute from the "myComment" simple variable

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To add an element at the end of an attribute of type dynamic array

Also from the TICKET class, it is possible to add a value at the end of the dynamic arrays 'Comments', 'Updates' or 'Sources' regardless of the initial size allocated for the array.


DATE currDate

        iTick = new TICKET()
        iTick.Comments = new ALPHA(250)()(1)

        iTick.Updates = new DATE()(5)
        iTick.Sources = new SOURCE()(2)

        TIME currDate

iTick.setComments('Creation of the ticket', 1)

iTick.setComments('Ticket creation', *END)

iTick.setUpdates(currDate, 1)

iSrc = new SOURCE()

iTick.setSources(iSrc, 1)

iSrc = new SOURCE()

iTick.setSources(iSrc, *END)

iSrc = new SOURCE()

iTick.setSources(iSrc, *END)


During serialization, only the elements actually added to the dynamic array are taken into account.
This assertion is always true for the order CONV_DATA.
In the case of the serialization of a class of a REST web service, it is necessary to declare the correct JacksonJaxbJsonProvider (the one from the package com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json) in the configuration file beans.xml.

Extract from the file beans.xml [JacksonJaxbJsonProvider]:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entry key="skip.default.json.provider.registration" value="true"/>

<!-- remplace le org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.JSONProvider ou org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider -->
<bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider"/>

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Retrieving the number of elements of an attribute of type dynamic array

The predefined function &NBR_ELT is used to retrieve the number of elements of an attribute of type dynamic array.



NUM_BIN_2  nbComments

iTick = new TICKET()
iTick.Comments = new ALPHA(250)()(1)

iTick.setComments('Comment 1', 1)

iTick.setComments('Comment 2', *END)

iTick.setComments('Comment 3', *END)

nbComments = &NBR_ELT(iTick.getComments())

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