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The CRFieldsOnlyToXSD.exe utility provided with the Adelia Studio runtime is used to migrate Crystal Reports reports using a "Definition of fields only"-type database created from an interface file called "_data.ttx" to reports with an "ADO.NET (XML)"-type database created from an interface file called "_data.xsd".
The utility can migrate either a set of reports contained in the same directory or all the reports contained in an Adelia environment. In the latter case, once the migration is complete, the "Interface file type" option in the "Crystal Reports" group of the "Miscellaneous" tab of the environment attributes is set to the "XSD interface file" value, and the new reports created in the environment will systematically interface with an XSD file called "_data.xsd".

 /DIR:<DirectoryName> /OUT:<HTMLLogFile>
This command is used to migrate all the reports contained in the <DirectoryName> directory. The migration report is contained in the <HTMLLogFile> file.

CRFieldsOnlyToXSD /ENV:<EnvironName> /OUT:<HTMLLogFile>
This command is used to migrate all the reports contained in the <EnvironName> Adelia environment. The migration report is contained in the <HTMLLogFile> file.


  • Always back up the Adelia environment database before carrying out the migration.
  • The report must not contain a *USER (or *PGM) field in a group definition or as a link field between a report and subreport.

  • Prior to the migration, we recommend modifying/changing the layout of reports referring to multiple interface files (_common.ttx, _Var.ttx, Entityxxx.ttx) in order to obtain a report with a single "_data.ttx" interface file. If numerous interface files are kept, the referenced Entityxxx.ttx files must not contain the £ or $ character.
  • Date or Time fields are automatically changed to DateTime. It may be necessary to modify the layout to apply the appropriate format so as to display the date or time only.

Migration report details

Migration produces a report in HTML format.

This begins with a header including the name of the executed command, the migration start date and time and the Crystal Reports .Net runtime version used:

Next, the report lists all the migrated reports: a status and comment are displayed for each report indicating whether the migration has succeeded or failed.
The status can take the "OK" or "ERROR" value. Where there is an "ERROR" status, the comment provides additional information relating to the error.
If the status is "OK", the comment indicates:

  • if the report was migrated or whether it is unchanged (as no data source was found or the data source was already 'ADO.NET(XML)' type).
  • the database interfacing type: 
    • single: a single interface file (_data.ttx)
    • multiple: several interface files (_common.ttx, _Var.ttx, Entityxxx.ttx)

Example of reports successfully migrated with a single interface file (_data.ttx)

Example of a report successfully migrated with several interface files (_common.ttx, _Var.ttx, Entityxxx.ttx)

Example of a report remaining unchanged - no data source or source already ADO.NET(XML) type

Example of a report for which migration failed. The comment presents the message for the exception which caused the error.

Finally, the report ends by indicating the migration end time, any updates to the "XSD interface file" environment attribute, the total number of reports processed and the number and names of reports for which migration failed.

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