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The Adelia user plugin integrates into SONAR in a generally transparent manner, though certain details or limitations should be mentioned:

  • There is no way of specifying the Adelia user plugins to enable in a SONAR profile. When working with a SONAR profile, an expansion plugin is considered to be enabled if at least one quality rule associated with this plugin is enabled in the profile. This implies that, to include a plugin only defining metrics for example, this plugin must contain at least one rule used to enable the plugin, though this rule does not need to be verified.
  • There is no exchange of configuration between Adelia and SONAR, only a control. If an expansion plugin is registered with SONAR, but not referenced in the environment, it is excluded from the analysis. Similarly, if a plugin is registered in different versions on the two platforms, only common rules will be verified and the data generated could potentially not match.
  • The adelqual plugin uses the CASE directly (call the adelqual.exe command) to generate and extract Adelia repository quality data. This requires the analysis to be launched from a Windows machine on which Adelia is installed and the environment to be catalogued by a user with the necessary permissions (*PROD_QUAL).
  • The adelqual plugin is unable to detect that a SONAR profile has been changed. Therefore, a project will not naturally be analyzed in full mode in this case. You need to manually force a full analysis.

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