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To display the list of transactions in an interactive ADELIA program, select the Transactions option from the Program menu in the 4GL Editor.


This option also shows each transaction's properties.

The dialog box automatically opens on the TRS tab.



    • This option is only available when the active document contains the source of an interactive ADELIA program.
    • Double-clicking the title bar minimizes the dialog box, leaving only the title bar visible.




List of transactions defined for the program in the active document - each transaction is represented by a number.

Single-selection list.

You can sort the list in ascending or descending order of the values by clicking the column heading.



List of variables in the transaction selected in the left-hand list.

This list shows the variable characteristics:

    • Name.

    • Type:





    • Length. (Ln)

    • Number of decimal places (with numerical variables). (Dc)

    • Short name.

Single-selection list.

You can sort the list in ascending or descending order of the values by clicking the column heading.


Context-sensitive menus

Transaction list

This option lets you insert the number of the selected transaction into the active document's source, at the cursor's current position.


Variable list


This option lets you insert the name of the selected variable into the active document's source, at the cursor's current position.


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