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French version
Latest version Adelia - EN - V14.12 Recent versions Adelia - EN - V14.00 Adelia - EN - V14.01 Adelia - EN - V14.02 Adelia - EN - V14.03 Adelia - EN - V14.04 Adelia - EN - V14.05 Adelia - EN - V14.06 Adelia - EN - V14.07 Adelia - EN - V14.08 Adelia - EN - V14.09 Adelia - EN - V14.10 Adelia - EN - V14.11
Warning: This topic does not affect the C generator.
After you exit from entering a document (with Office/Vision 400) by pressing F3, you must ask to edit and save the resolved document using the Office/Vision 400 save options.