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Java/Web/Cloud application runtime

  • New Java/Web/Cloud runtime internal segmentation to make it more specific to the type of application to handle (Java thick client, Java server, Adelia Cloud client, "Jsp" web client, REST Web service, SOAP Web service) in order to limit dependencies on third-party libraries (to limit the risk of security breaches).
  • More recent versions of third-party libraries are used to integrate fixes for security breaches.
  • When building applications from artifacts produced by the Adelia build, runtime components (and their third-party dependencies) corresponding to features not used by the application are automatically excluded.

WARNING 1: Changes concerning Adelia Build: 

    • All applications built from artifacts produced by the Adelia build and using version 14.9.0 (or later) of the Java/Web/Cloud runtime must use artifacts built by an Adelia build using version 14.9.0 at least.
    • If you are using the Gretty appStartWar, appRunWar or farmIntegrationTest tasks in your Gradle projects for building Adelia Web, Adelia Cloud, REST Web service or SOAP Web service applications, you need to redefine your projects using the templates supplied with version 14.9.0 (under "Build\templates").

WARNING 2:  Changes for Web REST services:

      • beans.xml configuration file: the swagger2Feature bean has been replaced by the openApiFeature bean. Updating the site modifies the beans.xml file.
      • Swagger presentation page: when securing via JWT, the key entered via the "Authorize" button must now only contain the JWT token (without preceding it with "JWT").

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Quality manager

  • Quality manager extension plugin rule violation can now be displayed as information, warning or error messages when verifying/generating your programs. This behavior is enabled via the new "Generator" tab.
  • Increases in Adelia plugin rule severity level in a quality profile can be handled by program verification/generation.  This enables you to change a warning message into an error message, blocking the generation of your program. This behavior is enabled via the new "Generator" tab.
  • The quality manager is compatible with versions 9.x and 10.x of SonarQube. Sonar plugin 3.2 now requires SonarQube 6.7 or later.

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Adelia iSeries language

  • The LEAVE instruction has been added to force exit from a paragraph or procedure.

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Visual/Web Language

  • LEAVE instruction: This instruction can now be used in a server procedure and Adelia server program generated for the AS/400 platform.
  • Unit tests: The ASSERT 4GL instruction now accepts the presence of reserved words as an "Expected value" or "Value to test" in the same way as any other variable.

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Adelia Cloud

  • ACCORDION MENU graphical object: Context-sensitive menu management has been added to the tree items (see new methods ADD_CTX_MENU_OPT, ASSOCIATE_CTX_MENU, CREATE_CTX_MENU, SET_CTX_MENU_OPT_PROPERTY, GET_CTX_MENU_OPT_PROPERTY,  DELETE_CTX_MENU, and DELETE_CTX_MENU_OPT).                              
  • MENU BAR graphical object: new features

    • The context-sensitive menu options can have an image associated with them (see methods SET_CTX_MENU_ITEM_IMAGE and GET_CTX_MENU_ITEM_IMAGE).

    • Specific representations of elements have been added to Menu and Search tools:

      • Section title in bold for grouping options logically (see ADD_ELEMENT_EX method)

      • Separator (see ADD_ELEMENT_EX method)

      • Form elements used to edit the associated variable (Menu tool only) (see ADD_ELEMENT_EX method)

      • BORDER and MENU_BUTTON properties have been added. The latter is used to change the design of a context-sensitive menu element associated with a Menu or Search tools element. If it is set, the context-sensitive menu is not displayed by right-clicking but is displayed in the form of a push button displayed to the right of the element.

      • A context-sensitive menu can now be assigned to a menu item.

  • UPLOAD graphical object:  The size of the MIME_TYPE_FILTER property has been increased to 10,000 characters.

  • LIST graphical object:
    •  Copying the selected rows to the list in the clipboard now works "naturally" by default. The old interface can be displayed if the browser refuses access to the clipboard.
    • MINIMUM_LINE_HEIGHT property has been added to set the minimum height of a line in the list.

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Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Environment attributes: Utility commands exportparam.exe and importparam.exe have been added to export or import the configuration of the repository or the logical level of an Adelia environment application area.
  • 4GL Editor: 4GL Editor preferences can now be exported and imported.
  • REST Web Services
    •  Web services secured by JWT now also accept the header "Authorization: Bearer {token}" (as an alternative to the header "Authorization: JWT {token}").
    •  A distributed mode is handled for JWT revocation.
  • Adelia Print Engine

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