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To open this page, click on the Bookmarks tab in the Options of the Editor dialog box.

This tab is used to modify the characteristics of user and automatic bookmarks that can be used in 4GL Editor source.

User bookmarks

User bookmarks are displayed in the form of flags located in the bar to the left of the 4GL editor's edit pane. These bookmarks provide rapid access to a highlighted line in a document's source code.

Check boxes

Find in all open documents


Used to search for bookmarks through all open documents. When the end of a document is reached, the search automatically moves to the next document, until all open documents have been searched.

Default setting: checked.

Save bookmarks when closing the source


When checked, the bookmarks defined for a document are saved when the document source is closed. Saved bookmarks are restored when the document is next opened.

Important: if the document source is modified by another user, the bookmarks may be restored to the wrong line, or may simply be lost when opening the source.

Default setting: checked.

Automatic bookmarks

Automatic bookmarks are displayed in the form of colored squares located in the bar to the right of the 4GL editor's edit pane. There is no scrollbar in the bookmarks bar, it represents the entire document within the height of the editor.

These bookmarks provide rapid access to any highlight part of the source (whether via a conventional bookmark, an error notification generated during verification, or a search bookmark).

To activate a bookmark, right-click on the square displayed in the bookmarks bar. If several bookmarks are shown at the same position (very long source code, several bookmarks within a small block), the bookmark with the highest priority is activated. In this case, you can display all bookmarks by right-clicking the bookmarks bar.

Check boxes

Automatically highlight the occurrences of a word


This feature is used to automatically highlight all occurrences of the selected word in the editor. For this, simply select the word with the mouse.

Note: You can always run a manual search with the Ctrl+Shift+O keyboard shortcut.

Default setting: checked.

Automatically highlight instruction blocks


Highlights instruction blocks automatically (IF ... ELSE... END). For this, the user just needs to go to a source line containing an instruction delimiting a block.

Note: It is still possible to manually highlight using the Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut.

Default setting: checked.

Display check bookmarks as you type


As you type, displays verification messages as bookmarks in the bookmarks bar.

Default setting: checked.

Data entry

Limit menus and tooltips to n bookmarks

This option limits the number of bookmarks displayed in the bookmarks bar tooltip or context-sensitive menu, if a large number of bookmarks are represented at the same "height".

By default: limit of 5 bookmarks displayed.

Note: The "..." option available from the bookmarks bar context-sensitive menu provides access to a selection box, when the number of bookmarks exceeds the specified limit.



Validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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