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To register a Web service in the current application area, select one of the following options:

  • the Register context-sensitive menu option (or the equivalent button) in the Object Manager's Web Services tab,

  • the Register context-sensitive menu option in the 4GL editor's Repository - Web Services dialog box.


Web services that can be used with Adelia Studio must satisfy the following conditions:

- SOAP implementation via the HTTP protocol.

- The operation template must be of the type "request-response" or "request-only". These types of template correspond to the In-Out MEP (Message Exchange Pattern) and to the In-Only MEP respectively.

- The Web service operations output message must comprise no more than one part, as recommended by the WS-I Basic Profile.


Data input


Web service name

This name must be a valid resource name (in the IBM sense of the term), and unique within the environment.

It must be no more than 15 characters long.



Clear description of the Web service. This description must be no more than 50 characters long.


Note: If either of these two fields is left blank, it is prefilled by default with a name deduced from the Web service's description file.


Radio buttons

WSDL source

The WSDL source can be either a local file or a URL.

If it is a file, specify its location in the adjacent input field. The file must be accessible from the machine's file manager.

If it is a URL, enter it in the adjacent input field.



Visibility of a Web service can be either public or private.

A Web service's visibility cannot be changed from public to private if the service is attached to more than one application area. The visibility is set to private when the Web service is initalized.



Registration report

This list displays the service's registration report.



Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select the Web service's description file.

This dialog box only shows files that have a WSDL extension.

The full name of the selected file then appears in the relevant field.


Register / Enter

The Register button launches the analysis of the Web service description file and generates a report in the Registration report field. This report provides general information concerning the service and details the various operations and their mode of invocation ("parameter" or "message" mode).

The Enter button is displayed once the analysis process has been successfully completed or if the user confirms a forced registration request.

The Enter button lets you validate object creation. If registration is forced, the created object contains a limited set of data. In this case, the service can only be called in "message mode".



Closes the dialog box without validating any actions.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



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