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Adelia Studio can generate a structured view of interactive and batch Adelia sources. You can access this view via the 4GL editor's Show tree view of Adelia sources option.


This view displays Adelia sources (as plain text) in a block tree with a similar structure to a Visual Adelia program. This approach makes it easier to navigate through the source.



This is only a view. Adelia progams are linear text sources that are interpreted as they are read. They are saved in text form.


Users should therefore bear the following points in mind:

  • Blocks are reordered as they are read, with the tree showing the transactions first (sorted in ascending numerical order), followed by the procedures and control breaks. This means that the first time the editor is used with an existing program, the source will not necessarily be saved in its original order.
  • In the tree, the editor shows all of the program's transactions, whether or not they are referenced in the program's text.
  • If a program is incorrectly structured (e.g. with unclosed or incorrectly-nested blocks), the source may be read in the wrong order. If this happens, the instructions may not be executed in the correct sequence. It is advisable to check that programs are valid (by checking that the verification procedure is performed successfully) before using this editor.


To make the editor as user-friendly as possible, all the blocks in a transaction are created when the editor is initialized. As these blocks are not necessarily required in the source, the editor uses the concept of inactive blocks. This applies to a transaction's sub-blocks: INITIALIZATION, TRANSACTION, VERIFICATION, VALIDATION and SFTKYS_PROCESS.


In the editor, an inactive block will have the following characteristics:

  • it is shown shaded in the tree and has no source;
  • it is not saved;
  • entering a character in the block automatically activates the block and causes the related source to be saved;
  • it is possible to return a block to an inactive state by completely deleting its source. To do so, use the Delete option in the block's context-sensitive menu.


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