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The options of this menu can be accessed from:

All the options in the Administration menu are also accessible via the tool bar in the Session manager window.



This option is used to specify the generation parameters, the indicators used, as well as various data relative to the use of this environment.


Graphical attributes 

This option is only used for C generation for ADELIA –type programs.

It defines the various graphical parameters used during screen layout generation: margins separating the border of a window from its contents, the key used to close a dialog box, the key used to call on-line help, function key descriptions, selection text in context-sensitive menus, etc.

The graphical attributes selected via this option provide the default attributes used at environment level. These default attributes can be modified within each screen layout.


Software engineers 

This option opens a window which is used to work with the authorized software engineers for an environment.


Application areas 

This option opens a window which is used to work with the application areas of an environment.



This option opens a window which is used to work with the various standards for creating an environment.



This option opens the Session manager window and allows you to run the utilities and applications related to the selected environment.

The Session manager is the default option. It opens when the user double-click the icon of an environment in the Adelia Studio folder.


This option does not appear in the Administration menu of the Session manager.



This option closes the Session manager window.


This option does not appear in the context-sensitive menu for the environments.


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