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INITIALIZATION window initialization block for VADELIA programs

  INITIALIZATION page initialization block for WADELIA programs

INITIALIZATION initialization block for PGOs

WORK WITH EVENTS event management block

VERIFICATION verification block

VALIDATION validation block

SFTKYS PROCESS softkey processing block

BACK block (for WADELIA programs)

Edit the source

Positions the cursor at the start of the relevant block in the source.

Sort sub-blocks

Alphabetically sorts Object blocks in the block source (interactive VISUAL or WEB programs).

Add objects

Opens a dialog box that lets you add objects to the current block.

Once your selection of objects has been validated, the corresponding object blocks will be created at the end of the current block.

Note: This option is not available with the Work With Events block for WADELIA programs. Object blocks and events are added automatically at the HTML page analysis and backup stage.

Add en event

Opens a submenu that lets you add an event from the graphical object being edited.

This option is only available for personalized graphical objects (PGOs).


Deletes the block, any sub-branches, and the associated source.

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