This function is used to set the separator used to represent a TIME variable with the required character.
Note: We do not recommend using this function in an AJAX event processing block because it leads to the page being only partially refreshed.
Adelia Web client (except web services)
ALPHA(1) |
l_TimeSep |
Separator character for a TIME type variable. |
ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation: *TRUE if the operation was completed successfully. *FALSE if it was not. |
l_TimeSep = ':'
CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAwsSetTimeSeparatorChar' l_TimeSep ReturnCode
=> sets the ':' character as the separator used to represent a TIME variable. Then, the TIME type variable is represented as follows: 13:46:26
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic