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This function retrieves a logger level (log4c or log4j2). It implicitly creates the logger if it does not exist. In this case, it inherits characteristics from its parent (log level, appender).


  • Windows client

  • Windows server

  • Java client

  • Java server

  • Adelia Web Client

  • Adelia Cloud client

  • Event Adelia client




Name of logger to configure.


Current logger log level. The possible values are (in ascending order):

FATAL Fatal errors
ALERT Alerts (Windows only)
CRIT Critical errors (Windows only)
ERROR Errors
WARN Warnings
NOTICE Notices (Windows only)
INFO Information
DEBUG Debugging data
TRACE Traces

NB: the string is expected to have an adequate definition, which is a length of at least 6 characters.

For example

ALPHA(6) Level

/* Retrieves the SQL logger trace level

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxGetLogLevel' 'hasqllogger.func' Level

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