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To find the modified lines of a source, choose the Find modified lines option in the L4G Editor's Edit menu.


This dialog box enables you to search for modified lines in a source according to the following search criteria: software engineer who made the modification and modification date.


The search highlights lines corresponding to the criteria selected in the document source.

You can move between the highlighted line blocks using the Next search bookmark and Previous search bookmark options in the Edit menu.


Data entry


Minimum modification date (inclusive), if the date search criterion is enabled and the search mode is "Since" or "Between".

Default value: 01/01/2000


Note: lines not showing any modification information (Adelia programs created by Adelia 8.2 or earlier releases, or imported from Adelia 400) are processed as if they were modified on 01/01/2000.



Maximum modification date (inclusive), if the date search criterion is enabled and the search mode is "Until" or "Between".

By default: current date.




Software engineer

This list is used to select the name of the software engineer who made the modification, if the software engineer search criterion is enabled.


Note: it is possible to type in the software engineer's name, e.g. to find modifications made by a software engineer who has since been deleted.


Search in

List used to define the research scope.

Possible options:

Active document

The search is performed on the current document.

All documents

The search is performed on all documents currently open in the editor.

Active block

The search is performed only on the current block (procedure, window, etc.).

This option is only available if the current document is a structured source.


Check boxes

By software engineer

Box checked

Lines modified by the indicated software engineer will be searched.

Box unchecked

The software engineer name will not be used to filter the search.


By modification date

Box checked

Lines modified during the indicated period will be searched.

Box unchecked

The search does not take account of the modification date.



Radio buttons


To search lines modified since the specified start date.



To search lines modified up until the end date.



To search lines modified during the specified period.




To highlight lines matching the search criteria specified in the selected sources.



Closes the dialog box without starting a search.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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