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Warning: This topic does not affect the C generator.

By pressing F18, when generating/compiling your model, you can reach additional generation options.

Then, you can:

  • Specify that you do not wish to generate the Input/Output error indicator used by the RPG read/update instructions ("I/O error generation" = N).

  • Enter the name of the INFSR procedures in the given column for each file it relates to.

  • Ask for the program Info DSs and file Info DSs to know the error return code sent back by the system.

Regarding the model, you must enter for all procedures set to INFSR:

BEGIN_PROCEDURE name of the INFSR subprogram (6 chars. max.)




You can specify a variable Variable which contains a value allowing to accurately monitor the procedure.

For the *PSSR procedure:




You can specify a variable Variable which contains a value allowing to accurately monitor the procedure; see the BEGIN_PROCEDURE and END_PROCEDURE instructions.

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