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Java Web Start® is a product supplied free of charge by Sun.


It is used to provide Java applications on a Web server; these applications can then be downloaded by a web browser, but are run away from the browser like a Java application.


Java Web Start® checks that the application run on the client workstation is up to date. If not, it only downloads the relevant modifications.


By default, Java Web Start® runs in a secure mode, ensuring that the application neither reads nor modifies any files on the client workstation (like Applets).


This type of application is well-suited for the client part of a Visual Adelia client/server application where the client uses HTTP to connect to a Web server, in order to work with data located on a physical server (which is generally not the Web server).


More detailed information about Java Web Start® is available on the Sun web site, at the following address:


Configuring a web server to provide Java applications via Java Web Start:

  1. Install the jws.war file supplied by Hardis (on the Adelia CD-ROM, in Adelia\WebServer) in your Web application server.
  2. Place the .jar and .jnlp files produced by the Adelia Studio installation manager in the jws\resources directory (you must have a Java variant and specify the necessary data concerning Java Web Start®).


Important: Remember to specify the following configuration files as "Other files" in your variant:


    • MWCLIENT.INI (client middleware configuration).
      You can use the $$SERVER wildcard variable when specifying the physical server's URL.
      The $$SERVER variable can be used as follows:
      • $$SERVER/AdeliaHTTP/MwServlet where $$SERVER represents "http://machine_name:port"
      • http://$$SERVER/AdeliaHTTP/MwServlet where $$SERVER represents "machine_name:port"
      • http://$$SERVER:8080/AdeliaHTTP/MwServlet where $$SERVER represents "machine_name"

    • (for which you should specify "ID_FILE_CONFIG = MWCLIENT.INI"),

    • (which contains the Adelia Java applications' execution parameters).


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