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This dialog box can be used to:

  • add, delete or modify labels associated with a program or
  • define default labels.

Information entered

Drop-down menu

Manual input of a label designation (limited to 40 characters).

The combo box can also be used to select one of the labels by default (previously defined by an environment administrator).


Label list

List of labels currently associated with the current program.



Adds the entered label designation to the current program.

A program cannot have the same label more than once.

Label management is not case-sensitive. "Adelia" and "adelia" labels are therefore considered to be the same.


Deletes the selected label in the label list from the current program (or from the selected program in the program list if the program list is displayed).

Default labels

Used to access the default label input interface (populating the entry field combo box).

This button can only be accessed by environment administrator software engineers. It is not displayed if you are already in the default label management interface.


Validates any changes and closes the dialog box. 


Closes the dialog box without validating any changes.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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