All these Web services handle data in JSON format.
By default, these services manage configurations and subscribers stored in memory. The 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property is used to enable the saving of subscriber creations and changes by REST web services in the Adelia subscriber configuration file (the default value is "false"). If no subscriber configuration file is specified when the AMBSS is started, a subscribersConf.yml file is created in the AMBSS root directory (the parent directory of the config sub-directory where the application-dev.yml file is).
REST service configurations
These are accessible via the URL:
http://<hostname>:<port_number>/ambss/v1/configurations , where "hostname" is the name of the machine hosting the Sprint Boot AMBSS application, "port_number" is the TCP listening port number for the AMBSS (in the application.yml or application-dev.yml application).
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Request body
Message in JSON format describing the configuration to add. Based on this example, it is:
adeliaPoolName: Adelia connections pool name pattern (regular expression), Identifier pattern (regular expression) of the factory contained in the configuration,
adeliaPgm.objectFileName: Pattern (regular expression) of the object file name resulting from the 3GL generation of the EADELIA program contained in the configuration,
adeliaPgm.javaPackage: Pattern (regular expression) of the Java package name defined for the 3GL generation of the associated EADELIA program contained in the configuration,
adeliaPgm.customObjectMapper : Pattern (regular expression) of the Java bean identifier defined in the beans-context.xml file used to configure the properties to convert a JSON object to an Adelia class instance contained in the configuration.
USER ('' property) and ADMIN ('' property)
Response code
200 (OK): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_config> identifier configuration does not exist.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), list in JSON format of subscribers with a reference to the <id_config> identifier configuration in the description; JSON object detailing the error if not.
Note: Each returned subscriber is returned in the non-deduced version (i.e. without replacing all the references used by the referenced objects).
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Response code
204 (No Content): Operation was successful.
400 (Bad Request): The syntax of the configuration in JSON format is incorrect or the syntax deduced from the subscriber that references this configuration is not valid (by applying the new configuration).
404 (Not Found): The <id_config> identifier configuration does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): The <id_config> identifier configuration could not be updated because it is referenced by at least one subscriber in "started" state.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
No response if successful (code 204); JSON object detailing the error if not.
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Response code
204 (No Content): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_config> identifier configuration does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): The <id_config> identifier configuration could not be deleted because it is referenced by at least one subscriber.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
No response if successful (code 204); JSON object detailing the error if not.
http://<hostname>:<port_number>/ambss/v1/subscribers, where "hostname" is the name of the machine hosting the Sprint Boot AMBSS application and "port_number" is the TCP listening port configured for the AMBSS (in the application.yml or application-dev.yml file).
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Request body
Message in JSON format describing the subscriber to add. Based on this example, it is:
The description in JSON format of the subscriber may or may not have a reference to one or more configurations. Creation is only authorized if the deduced description (i.e. replacing all the references used by the referenced objects) is complete and valid.
The "id" attribute is not mandatory. If it is not entered, the AMBSS assigns it a random and unique alphanumeric value.
Response code
201 (Created): Operation was successful.
400 (Bad request): The syntax of the subscriber's description in JSON format is incorrect or the subscriber refers to an unknown configuration.
409 (Conflict): An <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber already exists.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
No response if successful (code 201); JSON object detailing the error if not:
"timestamp": 1648479612407,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Subscriber with id 'subTemperature' is not valid. Validation failed for subscriber 'subTemperature'. Config object must only contain valid reference(s) to existing configuration(s)",
"path": "/ambss/v1/subscribers"
If successful, the response header contains a "Location" attribute the value of which is the URL with read access to the created subscriber (in the example above, the Location header will contain: http://localhost:8080/ambss/v1/subscribers/subUsingTwoPartialConfigAndComplete)
USER ('' property) and ADMIN ('' property)
Response code
200 (OK): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber could not start as it is not in the right state ("stopped" state).
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber description in its deduced form in JSON format; JSON object detailing the error if not.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): Identifier subscriber <id_subscriber> could not start due to being in the incorrect state ("stopped" state).
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber description in its deduced form in JSON format; JSON object detailing the error if not.
Several read operations enable information on the subscribers to be retrieved.
USER ('' property) and ADMIN ('' property)
Response code
200 (OK): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber description in its deduced form in JSON format; JSON object detailing the error if not.
Subscriber list
This method retrieves all the created subscriptions, optionally applying search filters.
HTTP method
USER ('' property) and ADMIN ('' property)
adeliaPoolName: Adelia connections pool name pattern (regular expression), Identifier pattern (regular expression) of the factory contained in the subscriber description,
adeliaPgm.objectFileName: Pattern (regular expression) of the object file name resulting from the 3GL generation of the EADELIA program contained in subscriber description,
adeliaPgm.javaPackage: Pattern (regular expression) of the Java package name defined for the 3GL generation of the associated EADELIA program contained in the description of the,
adeliaPgm.customObjectMapper: Pattern (regular expression) of the Java bean identifier defined in the beans-context.xml file used to configure the properties to convert a JSON object to an Adelia class instance contained in the subscriber description,
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), list in JSON format of subscriber descriptions (in their deduced form) meeting the applied filter criteria; JSON object detailing the error if not.
List of configurations associated with a subscriber
USER ('' property) and ADMIN ('' property)
Response code
200 (OK): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
If successful (code 200), list in JSON format of configurations referenced by the <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber; JSON object detailing the error if not.
Subscriber state
When a subscriber is created, the AMBSS associates a state ("state" object) with it in its description. It appears when using subscriber read APIs. The state includes the following information:
Integer of 1, 2 or 3
Subscriber state:
STOP (1): The subscriber is stopped.
START (2): The subscriber is started.
DELETE (3): The subscriber is deleted.
Integer of 21 to 26
Internal state of the subscriber:
init (21): Initial state when the subscriber is created
idle (22): Idle state of the subscriber
on_start (23): State when handling the on_start event
on_message (24): State when handling the on_message event
on_error (25): State when handling the on_error event
on_stop (26): State when handling the on_stop event
Error code when the subscriber is in the internal on_error state (25)
Error code message (errorCode)
Below is a list of possible error codes for a subscriber:
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
The factory's Java class cannot be found.
The factory's Java class does not implement the correct interface or inherit the correct class.
Error when obtaining the factory constructor.
Error when creating the factory instance.
The 'getFactory' static method cannot be found in the factory class.
Error when calling the 'getFactory' method in the factory class.
The 'getFactory' static method must return the correct type of instance.
The customObjectMapper property does not match an existing bean identifier.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating the topic pattern.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Error when creating the Kafka consumer configuration from the broker connection configuration.
Error when converting an Avro pojo to an Adelia pojo.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the broker's topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating Paho MQTTv3 connection options based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when creating the Paho MQTTv3 client using the options.
Error when connecting the Paho MQTTv3 client to the broker.
Error when subscribing the Paho MQTTv3 client to the topics.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Broker connection lost.
Yes / No
Error when force disconnecting the Paho MQTTv3 client.
Error when closing the Paho MQTTv3 client.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the broker's topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating Paho MQTTv5 connection options based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when creating the Paho MQTTv5 client using the options.
Error when connecting the Paho MQTTv5 client to the broker.
Error when subscribing the Paho MQTTv5 client to the topics.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Broker connection lost.
Yes / No
Error when force disconnecting the Paho MQTTv5 client.
Error when closing the Paho MQTTv5 client.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating NATS connection options based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when creating the NATS connection using the connection options.
Error when creating JetStream subscription options based on the topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating the JetStream context.
Error when creating JetStream context options based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when subscribing to JetStream broker topics.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Error when unsubscribing from JetStream broker topics.
Error when closing the NATS connection to the broker.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the broker's topic subscription configuration.
Error when configuring the SSL connection: key management exception for all operations concerning key management.
Error when creating the AMQP connection.
Error when creating the AMQP channel.
Error when passively declaring the queue.
Error when declaring the queue.
Error during basic consumption in the queue.
Error when calling channel.basicQos.
Error when passively declaring the exchanger.
Error when declaring the exchanger.
Error when binding the queue.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Error when creating RabbitMQ connection options based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when closing the channel.
Error when closing the connection.
Connection closure not initiated by the application.
The subscriber was cancelled by the broker.
Error number
Error message
Immediate stop
Error when validating the broker connection configuration.
Error when validating the topic subscription configuration.
Error when creating the Redis URI based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when creating the ClientOptions/ClusterClientOptions options object based on the broker connection configuration.
Error when creating the Pub/Sub connection to the Redis broker.
Error when subscribing to broker channels and models.
Error when starting the EADELIA program.
Error when handling the ON_START event: negative acknowledgment sent.
Error when closing the connection to the Redis broker.
Error when closing the Redis client.
Lettuce Redis client closed due to loss of connection to the broker.
Lettuce Redis client closed due to a communication error with the broker.
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Response code
204 (No Content): Operation was successful.
400 (Bad Request): The syntax of the subscriber's description in JSON format is incorrect or the subscriber refers to an unknown configuration.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): The description of identifier subscriber <id_subscriber> could not be updated due to being in the incorrect state ("stopped" state).
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
No response if successful (code 204); JSON object detailing the error if not.
write: Integer (0 or 1). For this request, enables the 'ambss.subscribers.writer' property value to be exceeded and the created configuration to be saved or not saved (0 value to not save; 1 to save).
Response code
204 (No Content): Operation was successful.
404 (Not Found): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed): The <id_subscriber> identifier subscriber could not be deleted due to being in the incorrect state ("stopped" state).
500 (Internal server error): An internal error occurred.
Response body
No response if successful (code 204); JSON object detailing the error if not.
When using the AMBSS in development (via ambss-dev. scripts), authentication is disabled.
When using the AMBSS in production (via ambss. scripts), authentication is enabled by default. To disable it, set the '' property to "false" in the application.yml configuration file.
A section specifies how to configure access authentication. This is done using a JWT token. This must define one of the two possible roles for running REST services (user or administrator role).
Set of examples
The AMBSS offers API test support for examples of use (MQTT broker). Knowledge of how to use a REST client such as Insomnia or Postman is required.