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To translate or modify a constant's translation, you must either:

  • Select the Translate option from the context-sensitive menu in the Translations tab of the Translation manager.

  • Double-click on a constant in the same tab.


    • To translate the text of associated constants, refer to the topic Translating associated constants.
    • If several constants have been selected in the Translations tab, the translation dialog boxes for the various constants will be opened consecutively. The Translate and Cancel buttons let you string together the translations of the various constants selected (simple or associated constants). You can stop the translation sequence for a series of constants by clicking the active dialog box's close icon (keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4).

Displayed data


Value of the constant to be translated. The constant's length is shown on the right of the field. If the extension type is "Null", the length is displayed in red.

If a comment is associated with the constant, it will display in a tooltip when the cursor is positioned over the constant.


Constant value translated into the selected pivot language. The length of the constant is indicated to the right of the field.

This field is only visible if a pivot language has been selected and if the current language is not the pivot language.

Data entry


Translation of the constant into the current language. The number of characters is shown on the right of the field.

By default, the length is limited to 250 characters (the same as the source constants). You can reduce this maximum length for each constant in the Translation manager's Details tab.

Function key F2 lets you copy here (if field empty) the source text of the constant displayed and allows you to update the length indicated.



Validates the translations or the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


Opens a dialog box with additional (source) information on the current constant.


Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the characteristics of the current constant.


Opens a dialog box that lets you  translate and modify the comments of the selected constants.


Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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