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This function is used to release connection information to the message broker defined by the logical broker.    

When the AdeliaLogicalBroker parameter is 'allLogicalBrokers' the function releases the connection information of all the message brokers defined in the configuration file.  


The execution of this function is based on a configuration file (in YAML format in a Windows environment, in XML format in an AS/400 environment ) defining the detailed configuration of the handled Adelia logical broker.  



  • Windows client  

  • Windows server

  • AS/400 server 





Adelia logical broker name. Its parameters (broker, port, etc.) are defined in the AdeliaLogicalBrokersConfig.yaml configuration file.  

'allLogicalBrokers': Indicates that the connection information of all the message brokers, defined in the AdeliaLogicalBrokrsConfig.yaml configuration file, will be deleted.



Operation return code:

0: Operation completed successfully. 

-13: The logical broker does not exist in the configuration file.  

For example

Example 1

* Deletion of information relating to connection to the message broker defined by the logical broker 'myLogicalBroker' 

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAMQPReleaseBroker' 'myLogicalBroker' myReturnCode 

Example 2

* Deletion of connection information for all message brokers 

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAMQPReleaseBroker' 'allLogicalBrokers' myReturnCode


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