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This function is used to retrieve the internal identifier of a window or Adelia Cloud object.


  • Adelia Cloud client



Name of the graphical object or window.



Internal identifier of the object or window. In normal mode, this identifier does not exceed 16 characters. In test mode, the identifier contains the program name (15 characters), the window name (128 characters) and the graphical object name (128 characters), as well as an instance number.



WUID variable length. As input, specify the variable definition. As output, it contains the effective length of the identifier.
BOOL ReturnCode Call return code. If the function fails because the WUID buffer is too small, the value will be truncated, the length parameter will indicate the effective size of the WUID and the return code will be *FALSE.


ALPHA(50)   Wuid
NUM_BIN_4   Length
BOOL        ReturnCode

Length = 50

CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxCloudGetObjectWUID' ID_FEN0 Wuid Length ReturnCode

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