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This function is used to open a URL either in a popup window or in an iframe inserted in the actual document.

Warning: This function must be used in the client part of the program.


  • Adelia Cloud client.




Page title.



URL of linked document.



Options, in the form of a list of key attributes [=value] separated by commas.

Specific values:

if inline = *TRUE, the "target" option must be provided and take as a value the identifier of the div in which the iframe will be created. The other options are the attributes of the <iframe> tag.

if inline = *FALSE,

      • if options = *HREF[(target)], a click on a link of <a href='url' target='target'> type is simulated.
        The "target" of the link can be placed between parentheses:

        • *HREF : target=_blank, opens a new window by default.
        • HREF() : target='' (redirection of the current page, the Adelia desktop is exited).
        • *HREF(xxx) : target='xxx' (opens the URL in the "xxx" id window).
      • in other cases, a popup window is opened via the, options) function. The list of options is directly passed as a parameter for the function.



Indicates if the page should be opened online in a div (*TRUE, in this case the options field must specify the div ID) or in a popup window.



Operation return code:

*TRUE if the function call is successful.

*FALSE if not.

The return code indicates that the popup window or the integrated document (<iframe>) was created but not that the document has been correctly loaded.


    • If you open the "inline" URL, the created iframe will replace the whole content of the div specified as the target.
    • Some sites (e.g. have a security policy prohibiting the opening of the document in an <iframe>. In this case, the content of the frame is empty but no error information is sent.
    • According to your browser's configuration, the popup window may be created in a new tab and one or more of the options specified in the "Options" parameter are ignored by the browser.
      See the ( online documentation for the restrictions and possible values of the "Options" field ("features" parameter of the function).


Title = 'ONLINE_DOC'

URL = ''

Options = 'target=doc_element_id,sandbox="allow-same-origin",seamless'

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxCloudOpenURL' Title URL Options *TRUE ReturnCode

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