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This function associates an identification text with client/server connections. This text must not contain spaces (except for the end spaces). It is displayed in the server session killer window. The identifier is associated with new connections. It cannot be modified for a connection that has already been established.

Note: This function must be used in the program's client part. By definition, this function would be meaningless in an Adelia Web application that uses a session pool (as programs are not run in "connection conservation" mode).


  • Windows client

  • Java client

  • Adelia Web client

  • Adelia Cloud client

  • Event Adelia client




Identifier associated with the connection.


ALPHA(128) Identifier


* Displays the program name in MwKill (to be inserted in the application's

* input program)

Identifier = *PGM_NAME

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxSetClientId' Identifier

List of the VaToolBx functions by topic

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