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This function sets the dynamic control mode for the parameters. During execution, the detection of an error when passing parameters when calling a program or third-party library can result in the three following behaviors:

  • An error message is displayed and execution is interrupted.
  • An error message is displayed and execution continues in sequence.
  • No error message is displayed and execution continues in sequence.


Using this function does not modify the Runtime configuration file.

The dynamic parameter control mode is transmitted to the server part when the first service is called. This function is executed in the server part and modifies the mode sent by the client part when calling this first service.


  • Windows client

  • Windows server
  • Java client
  • Java server
  • Adelia Web Client
  • Adelia Cloud client
  • Event Adelia client



Value of the mode to set for minor errors:

0: Message without execution
1: Message and execution
2: Execution


Value of the mode to set for major errors:

0: Message without execution

1: Message and execution

2: Execution


Function return code:

*TRUE if the function was successful;

*FALSE if the function failed.



CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx' 'VaToolBxSetDynamicParameterCtrlMode' 2 2 bRet

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