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When the size of the work space matches your design, the scrolling of the design is more accurate when moving the scroll bars.


This also results in a better display of objects in panoramic scale. Indeed, the step of the panoramic scale (maximum zoom out) depends on the size of the work space.


The panoramic scale is used to display the totality of the design in its width or in its height. The larger the work space, the smaller the size of objects in panoramic scale.


Recommendations: It is recommended to have the following ratio between the width and the height of the work space: Width/height = 1.42. This is the ratio between the width and the height of the work space visible on the screen when the graph is displayed in full screen mode. This way, in panoramic scale, all the design is visible when the graph is displayed in full screen.

All the specifications are given for a VGA-type screen.


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