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You can only select text in the work window's source view (right-hand section).

The use of a block structure results in a few peculiarities concerning the selection of text:

  • You can make a selection covering several blocks, but only the lines of text will be selected.

  • Text lines in collapsed blocks will be ignored.

In short, only visible text lines can be included in a selection. Only visible text lines can be handled using the clipboard functions (Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete).

Selection management

On the keyboard
  • By holding down the Shift key and using the arrow keys, you can expand the selection from the cursor's initial position to its position when the Shift key is released. 
  • The selection is created in column mode if you hold down the Alt and Shift keys.
  • The Ctrl+Shift+Up, Ctrl+Shift+Down keyboard shortcuts move the selected lines (if these do not include block lines) up or down. 
  • The Ctrl+Shift+Page_Up and Ctrl+Shift+Page_Down shortcuts expand the selection to the start or end of the current source block respectively.
  • The Ctrl+Del shortcut deletes all the lines included in the selection.

By single-clicking the mouse
  • Click in the source and hold down the mouse button to select the text between the initial selected point and the mouse position when the button is released.
  • Click in a text selection and hold down the button to move the selected text to the mouse position when the button is released (or copy it by holding down the Ctrl button). In this case, the selection must not include a block line.
  • Single-click while holding down the Shift key to expand the selection from the current cursor position to the clicked point.
  • The selection is created in column mode if you hold down the Alt and Shift keys.
  • Single-click while holding down the Ctrl key to select the whole line.
  • Single-click while holding down the Ctrl and Alt keys to select the pointed-to statement (taking into account continued lines).

By double-clicking the mouse
  • Double-click to select the word pointed to by the mouse cursor.
  • Double-click while holding down the Alt key to select a delimited expression (string constant, brackets, braces or comments), excluding delimiters.
  • Double-click while holding down the Windows and Alt keys to select a delimited expression including delimiters.

Column selection operation and boundaries
  • In column selection mode, keystrokes or pasted text from the clipboard will be repeated to all selected lines.
  • If you copy a column selection to the clipboard, it will systematically be pasted in column mode regardless of the active selection mode.
  • Column selection mode is interoperable with compatible Visual Studio text editors (Visual Studio, Notepad++).
  • A tab character intersecting the selection boundaries is considered part of the selection, which can create a staircase effect in the display.

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