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The Translation manager's Messages tab lets you translate the environment's messages into the current language.


To open the message translation page, click the Messages tab in the Translation manager window.

Note: You cannot access this page unless one or more translation languages have been created. It will be blank if no messages have yet been displayed using a selection.

In addition to "Translation manager", the main window's title bar will contain the current environment name, the current translation language and the name of the selected application area (or "*ENV" for the repository).

Data entry

Position to

Search argument allowing positioning in the message list.

Note: The prefix filter takes priority over the number.


Message list

Messages are set out in the following columns:


Message prefix (on three characters).

Message number

Message number.

Message name

Message name.

Level 1 message
Displayed when the "Display level 1" box is checked.

Message level 1.

Level 1 Pivot message

Displayed when the "Display level 1" box is checked and a pivot language is selected.

Message level 1 in the pivot language.


indicates that the message is translated into the current language and that its translation is up to date (the original message has not been modified since the translation was made).

indicates that the message is translated into the current language but the translation is out of date because the original message has been modified since its last translation.

The empty field indicates that the message is not translated into the current language.


Message-associated comment.

Translation of pivot comment

Displayed when a pivot language is selected.

Translation of comment in the pivot language.

Comment translation

Translation of the comment into the current language.

Note: A message's prefix and number form an identifier that is unique within the application area.

Messages are classed by prefix, then by number.

Select the message to be translated.

Double-click one of the messages to translate it, or else click the right mouse button and select the Translate option. Extended-selection list.

Note: You can select or deselect several non-consecutive messages by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the left mouse button.

Context-sensitive menus


This option opens a dialog box that lets you translate the selected messages.


This option opens a dialog box that lets you translate and modify the comment of the selected messages.

Delete all translations

This option opens a confirmation box allowing you to delete all the selected message translations in all languages.


This option let you print an environment's messages and their corresponding translations. The printout will contain the message's identifier (application area name, prefix and number), source text and translation (if any) in the current language.
The print job is submitted to the Job manager.


This option lets you print just those messages you have selected in the list with the mouse.


This option lets you print all the messages in the list.



This option opens a dialog box that lets you select messages according to the application area to which they are attached.

This option opens a dialog box that lets you run a search on the text of the messages (1st and 2nd level) or of the translations issued from the current selection.

Check box

Display level 1

Checking this box replaces the column containing the message designation with the column containing the message level 1, then, potentially, the column containing the message level 1 in the pivot language if a pivot language has been selected.

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