(I) (C/S) |
This reserved word can only be used in WADELIA Interactive programs created with the browser Previous/Next button support. It cannot be changed by the programmer.
This reserved word is used to distinguish a process executed while the program is run normally (its value is *FALSE) from a process triggered when the user clicks the browser's Next button (its value is *TRUE).
Example: If the user has triggered an event by clicking on an Adelia Button BTN_1 object, the value of *NEXT_ACTION is *FALSE in the execution context of the ONCLICK event processing block associated with BTN_1. If the user cancels this action (by clicking the browser's Previous button) and redoes it (by clicking the browser's Next button), then the ONCLICK event processing block for the BTN_1 object is re-executed and the value of NEXT_ACTION is *TRUE in this execution context.
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