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AS/400 Server



    • The AS/400 must have OS/400 version 3.10 or later,
    • The AS/400 must be set up for TCP/IP.


Connection procedure:



1. On the AS/400, start TCP/IP using the STRTCP IBM command.


2. Start up the Adelia daemon using the STRSRVDB Adelia command from the HA2SLIB library.

This command submits a job ("DBMSTARTIP") which listens for connection requests from PC workstations. By default, this job listens on port 9000. However, the port used can be modified. This is done by specifying the port as a parameter for the "STRSRVDB" command and by adapting the PC configuration file (server part) accordingly.


Note: The profile that starts the Adelia daemon must have the *JOBCTL AS/400 authority, and HA2SLIB in its library list. If the connection profile is different from the profile which starts the Adelia daemon, the former must have the *ALLOBJ AS/400 authority.


The AS/400 is then ready to receive any connection requests from PC workstations. Each time a PC workstation is connected, a "DBM_SERVER" job is run by the daemon on the AS/400. This job is stopped when the PC is disconnected.


3. To stop the Adelia daemon, use the ENDSRVDB Adelia command from the HA2SLIB library, specifying the same port as in the STRSRVDB command.


4. To stop TCP/IP on the AS/400, use the ENDTCP IBM command.


Note: Steps 1 and 2 are generally run when starting the AS/400, and steps 3 and 4 when shutting it down.

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