To add translations for a language, select the Add option from the context-sensitive menu for the Translate shortcuts dialog box.
To modify a language's translations, you must either:
Double-click a language in the Translate shortcuts dialog box.
Select the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu in the same box.
Combo box containing the various languages managed by the system.
Select the language whose shortcuts are to be translated.
List of the translations associated with the shortcuts. The following details are shown for each shortcut:
- Shortcut |
Shortcut name; this column cannot be modified. |
- Translation |
Name that the shortcut is to have if installed on a machine in the corresponding language (i.e. the one selected in the Language list); the details in this column can be modified. |
Extended-selection list.
Note: The shortcuts in this list are those added to the list in the shortcut management dialog box. In addition, the last shortcut in this list is the Start menu entry.
Add/Modify (validation)
Validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without validating the data entered.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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